HomeCampaign ManagerFEC Form 3X ComplianceForm 3X - Line 28: Refunds of Contributions To: (28a, 28b, and 28c)

24.29. Form 3X - Line 28: Refunds of Contributions To: (28a, 28b, and 28c)

Form 3X - Reporting Transactions on Line 28 (a, b, and c)


Line 28a - Refunds to Individuals 

Record Types:                Individual

Expense Type:               Refund of Contribution


Refund of Contribution

When a contributor's donations go over the contribution limit set by the FEC, one of the options to deal with the surplus money is to refund it. This is done by creating an expense for the contributor:

1) Go to the contributor's individual record and click New Transaction > Expense 
2) Enter the "Date", "Amount", "Reporting Description", "Election Period", and "Account"
3) Set the "Reporting Code" field to 010 - Refunds of Contributions
4) Click "Save" at the bottom

This will cause this expense to itemize on line 28a.




Line 28b - Refunds to Political Party Committees

Record Types:                  Political Party Committee

Expense Type:                 Refund of Contribution


Refunds to Political Party Committees are entered exactly the same as refunds to individuals, except that the record should be a committee record and this record's "Political Committee Type" must be set to "Political Party Committee". If this is set correctly the expense will itemize on line 28b.


Line 28c - Refunds to Other Political Committees 

Record Types:                Authorized Committee

                                     Multi-Candidate Federal PAC

Expense Type:                Refund of Contribution


Refunds to other political committees are entered exactly the same as refunds to political party committees except that the "Political Committee Type" of the committee record needs to be either "Authorized Committee" or "Multi-Candidate Federal PAC". If this is set correctly the expense will itemize on line 28c.

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