HomeCampaign ManagerFEC Form 3X ComplianceForm 3X - Line 23: Contributions to Federal Candidates/Committees & Other Political Committees

24.20. Form 3X - Line 23: Contributions to Federal Candidates/Committees & Other Political Committees


   Line 23 - Contributions to Federal Candidates/Committees 

    Record Types:                Candidate Committee

    Disbursement Kinds:     Contribution to Federal Committee In-Kind
                                          Contribution to Federal Committee                                  

    Transaction Types:        Contribution to Federal Committee
                                          Contribution to Federal Committee In-Kind


Before Starting:
Make sure the Committee or the Candidate is set-up correctly in the database. There are a number of things that need to be in place for all the required information to show for each of your line 23 transactions:

1) On the committee record, the "Committee Type" field must be set to "Candidate Committee"
2) On the candidate record, the fields within the "Candidate Info" section need to be filled out (jurisdiction, office, district code, candidate ID)
3) In the "Connections" tab, you need to link the candidate record to the committee record using the "Candidate" connection type

If you have not set up the committee or candidate correctly, it will not show up on your FEC report correctly.

For Expenses: 

  1. Find the Committee in the database.
  2. Add the Expense to the Committee record.
  3. Enter the amount.
  4. Click the Support Box.
  5. On the Support/Oppose line, enter the candidate's name (for candidate controlled committees) or the PAC's name (for other committees) in the support/oppose box.
  6. Click Find and then Select the candidate's or PAC's name in the Search Results. Finish by clicking Save.

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