HomeCampaign ManagerFEC Form 3 ComplianceForm 3 - Line 13: Loans (a and b)

22.9. Form 3 - Line 13: Loans (a and b)


Line 13a - Loans Made/Guaranteed by the Candidate 

Record Types:                Candidate

Contribution Types:       Loans Made/Guaranteed by the Candidate

Transactions:                 Loans Made by the Candidate

                                         Loans Guaranteed by the Candidate

Loans Made by the Candidate

Loans made by the Candidate are the easiest loans to enter into Campaign Manager, as they are the only loans that do not require a supplementary Form C1. A loan made by the Candidate is also the only loan type that does not require a Loan Number when applied to loans. However, a loan number will be required for each loan if the Candidate makes multiple loans to the committee.

For instructions on repaying this loan, see Schedule B Line 19a.

Enter a new Loan Received transaction. Enter the date the loan was given in the Date field then enter Amount and Period. The Reporting Description should be entered as "Loan from Candidate." In the Internal Memo field, you can enter "Personal Funds." If there is a specific due date be sure to choose Specific Date from the drop down and enter the date due in the box below.

Make sure candidate record has FEC ID added to it in order to mark the box next to Personal Funds of the Candidate on Form 3.

Loan from Candidate - transaction details

The Loan will appear on the Form 3 like this:

Loan from Candidate - as shown on Form 3



Loans Guaranteed by the Candidate

To establish the candidate as the guarantor of a loan made to the campaign, first enter the information following the above instructions for Loans made by the Candidate. Once entered, click on the pencil to the right of the transaction entry and then choose Linking. Within the pull-down that appears choose Loan Guarantor. Search for the name of the candidate and click Add. The loan guarantee will appear as it does in the example below.

Loan Guaranteed by Candidate

The Loan will appear on the Form 3 like this: 

 Loan Guaranteed by Candidate - Form 3





Line 13b - All Other Loans 

Record Types:                Bank/Lender

Contribution Types:       Other Loans

Transactions:                  All Non-Candidate Loans

All Non-Candidate Loans

All non-candidate loans have to have a supplementary Form C1 to show the loan's origin and will also need a Loan Number.

Enter a New Loan Received transaction. Enter the date the loan was given in the Date field then enter Amount and Period. The Reporting Description can be entered as "Loan from non-candidate" or "Bank Loan," depending on the lender. In the Internal Memo field, you can enter "Personal Funds." If there is a specific due date be sure to choose Specific Date from the drop down and enter the date due in the box below.

For instructions on repaying this loan, see Schedule B Line 19a.

non-candidate lender


 The Loan will appear on the Form 3 like this:

loan from non-candidate - Form 3










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