HomeCampaign ManagerFrequently Asked Questions!How Do I File My FEC Report with a Backdoor Password?

1.19. How Do I File My FEC Report with a Backdoor Password?

This is fully supported in Campaign Manager for all FEC report types (Form 3, Form 3X, Form 1, etc.)!

1. Parameters Page:

Check the Amend box, then Enter the FEC ID of the report being amended on the criteria page where it says Amended Report ID, and enter the Amendment Number (if this is the first amendment- enter a 1)

Be sure there are no spaces or extra characters and that the FEC ID number is entered in the same format as pictured below..


2. Previous Reports List or History

Once the generated report meets your expectations, click E-File This Report

3. E-File Screen

The backdoor password needs to be entered on the final upload page after clicking E-file This Report, immediately after the original report's ID number. See below screenshot.

You'll also need to enter your Committee ID, Password, and Email. Leave connection type as TCP/IP.


If you need any assistance in getting this done please call the Aristotle support team at 888-217-9600 or email support@aristotle.com.

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