HomeCampaign ManagerFinancial - FunctionsAccounts

11.2. Accounts


The financial menu is where you will find features to track and maintain financial data. Located under the other functions category you can find Accounts.

When clicking on "Accounts" under "Other Functions" you have access to the accounts in the database to search, delete, edit and create.  As well as set up a default account.



Adding an Account

Click "New" to create a new account. From there you are able to select the filling committee the account would be under.



"Name" would only be the internal name that you would be calling the account. (Not the actual name of the bank itself)

"Bank Name" is the actual name of the bank that would be pulling to different forms, reports and etc.

Checking the "Default" setting would make that the main account.

Checking "Active" allows you to be able to change from default but would not become the new default account.

Any new account and changes to accounts requires you to save the information to update.

The main parts that are required are which filing committee the account is associated with, the name, default/active, and the bank name. The rest would mostly be to help keep personal documentation.








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