Home → Campaign Manager → Financial - Functions → Register
The Register page is a convenient place to view and sort transactions as well as enter in new Receipts, Disbursements, or other Transactions.
To access the register, hover the mouse pointer over the Financial menu and then click Register.
The main register screen will display a list of all transactions within your database. Along the top part of the screen, there are a number of filters that can be applied to display only certain transactions:
On the right hand side of the Register, the New Receipt, New Disbursement, and Other Transaction menus provide the option to create transactions from within the Register screen:
After clicking one of these options to add a new transaction, the menu will be replaced with a form. Enter in the details of the new transaction in the appropriate fields:
After entering the transaction information into the form, click Save to save the new transaction or click Save/Next to save the current transaction and add a new one. When finished adding new transactions, click the back arrow to return to the previous menu.
The Transaction List displays all transactions within the register and is effected by the filters that have been applied to the list.
Transactions may be edited by clicking directly on the individual transaction, which will then display the individual transaction screen.
A running total of all transactions currently displayed within the Register is displayed at the bottom of the screen. Also displayed are Outstanding Loans, Undeposited Funds, and Unpaid Bills. Please note that these totals are not dependent on the transactions displayed within the Transaction List and will display the total amounts within the database regardless of which filters are applied to the Transaction List: