HomeVoter Lists OnlineVIQCreating a Walklist -- Full Walkthrough

1.3. Creating a Walklist -- Full Walkthrough

The first step is to create and purchase the list of voters. To do that, go to the "Queries" tab and create the list you need. Based on your email, something like the following may work for you:

1. Jurisdiction > County > Pinal

2. Jurisdiction > Resident City/Zip Code > Load-Reload > [select both "Maricopa" entries]

3. Party > Party Code > Republican

4. Vote History > [select "Voted" in the "Primary/14" and "Primary/12 cells". set "Voting Frequency Type" to "All"]

If you click "Recalculate" after selecting the above criteria, you should get a count of about 1300 unique voters. Add or modify these criteria as desired. When done, click "Checkout" and follow the checkout process. When the file is complete, navigate to the "My Files" tab, select the file, and click "Purchase". You won't need to download the file.

The next step is to transfer the file to VoterIQ and add it to a project.

1. Select the "VoterIQ" tab and click the "New File" button.

2. Make sure "Transfer file generated from VoterListsOnline is selected". Then click on your purchased file from the list and click "Save".

3. Click the "Refresh" button in the top-left corner and you should see your file under the "Files" folder.

4. Now select "New Project". Enter a name for the project, select "Arizona" as the state, and check the box next to your file. Then click "Save".

At this point you're now ready to cut and assign turf. However, if you want to create datapoints for use in VoterIQ, you should create these and add them to your project before cutting turf. These datapoints can be used to record responses. Select "New Datapoint" to add a new datapoint. You can add datapoints to your project by selecting the project, checking the box next to the datapoint, and saving.

To cut your turf, take the following steps:

1. Select your project and click "Cut".

2. The voters will load onto a map in a new tab. In the top-left corner of the screen, you can select different ways to select these voters. If you want to add them all to your turf, click the button with a blue square to automatically draw a rectangle around all voters. Alternatively, you can use the black square, circle, or polygon buttons to select the voters you want to include.

3. The shape you select will appear in the top-left field with a number of options. Click on the zig-zag icon to create an optimized walklist for the area included in the shape.

4. You can click on any of the pins inside your selected area to select a starting point. In the Walk List section on the left, you can break up the list into multiple assignable sections by clicking the button next to any of the locations.

5. Once you've selected your turf, click the Save button in the top-left corner.

At this point you've created your walklist and are now ready to set final options and assign it. To assign your walklist:

1. Select your project and click "Assign". Select the turf from the list and then click "Go".

2. In the turf assignment window, you can set a due date, enter a message for your staff, customize a script for, and include attachments. The most important thing to do, however, is to select the people who will be canvassing the turf. To do this, select "Users" in the assignment menu.

3. Click the "Add" button. Click on the email address of the user you're adding and click "Select". You can do this multiple times.

4. If the email address you want to select doesn't appear in the list, click the "Create New" button and enter a valid email, first and last name, and phone number and click "Save". then select the email and click "Select".

5. For each user you add, you'll want to select the report format and permissions. Click on the e-mail, and set the desired permissions for that user. Select the report format from the "Report" dropdown. Enable printing the report by checking the "Print?" box. Enable updating datapoints in the system by checking the "Entry?" box. Enable re-assigning turf sections by checking the "Assign?" box.

6. When you're ready, click "Create Assignment". You can always re-select and update assignments by following the same steps as adding a new assignment.

Each email address you selected in steps 3-4 will receive an email detailing their assignment. There are two important links in this email:

-- "Click here for your task assignment". This link will allow the user to view the assignment in their browser window, manage the assignment (based on the permissions you gave the user), and print a paper walklist.

-- "Mobile Device WalkList Data Mining". This link will open up a mobile-friendly version of the walklist. If you have datapoints selected in your project, you can click on each entry in this walklist to record and upload responses.

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