HomeCampaign ManagerQuery Builder and Financial Search ReportsQuery Builder Export Options - Exporting to Spreadsheet

13.3. Query Builder Export Options - Exporting to Spreadsheet

Exporting Custom Reports to a Spreadsheet


After you have built the Custom Report query, you have multiple options when it comes to exporting the data. You can view the various options in the Export Options section at the bottom of the Custom Reports page. In order to export the data to an Excel file, please take the following steps.

1. In the Export Options section, change the top dropdown menu from General to Export and next that, change that dropdown menu to Custom Export

2. Click View Custom Export

3. On the resulting screen, open the Custom Format dropdown menu and choose which format you'd like to use

**Please note that the first 10 data fields on the export will appear just below the dropdown menu. If there are more than 10 fields, click in the Order By field and you can scroll down to view other fields included in the export format you've chosen.**

4. Once you have chosen the format you'd like to export the data to, click the Generate CSV button

5. You'll have an option to receive an email once the spreadsheet generates and you'll also see a Download link; click the download link to retrieve the spreadsheet

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