HomeCampaign ManagerFinancial - Operations and Frequently Asked QuestionsReattributing a Contribution

12.5. Reattributing a Contribution

Reattributing a Contribution

When a contributor's donations go over the contribution limit set by the FEC, one of the options to deal with the surplus money is to reattribute it to the contributor's spouse.

1. Open the record for the spouse with the original contribution.

2. Click on Transaction tab.

3. Click on the pencil icon next to the contribution transaction to to be reattributed.

4. Click on Linking tab.

5. Choose Reattribution from the dropdown list.

6. Under the New Reattribution section, search for the spouse record in the Recipient box.  

7. Enter the amount to be reattributed.

8. Enter the date.

9. Choose the Election Period.

10. Click on the Done button.

11. Click on the Save button.

A transaction with negative amount will be added to the original record and a transaction with a positive amount will be added to the spouse's record for the amount designated for reattribution.

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