HomeCampaign ManagerFinancial - TransactionsAdding LLC or Partnership/Split to a Contribution

10.18. Adding LLC or Partnership/Split to a Contribution

Adding Partners to a Contribution

NOTE: Contributions from Partnerships are not allowed in all jurisdictions.

The Organization who the check is from must be set with an Organization Type of "LLC" or "Partnership".  No other Org type will support Contribution Splitting.

The JFC/Partnership area allows you to specify several individual transactions that comprise a single larger transaction. For example, your committee may receive one check comprised of contributions from several individual contributors. This is generally used for contributions from a law firm or other partnership. The donation would be entered as from the partnership and each partner's share would be itemized as a partner subitemization.

To add a Partner, first create a Contribution transaction from the organization sending the contribution. After filling out the necessary information for the contribution, select the Linking tab and choose JFC/Partnership.


In the Contributor field, enter the name of a partner and select the correct record from the results. Enter the Date and Amount of the partner's portion, and select the appropriate Election Period. Add a Reporting Description if necessary; then click Add. Repeat for each partner to the check. When you are finished, click Save to save the transaction.

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