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3.8. Customer Support Policy

Customer Support Policy

During Business Hours

From 6 AM to 5 PM PST, Monday through Friday, Customer Support is available by telephone with any of our client support staff. Support request emails sent to support@aristotle.com shall receive an e-mail acknowledgement within 15 minutes. We strive to resolve all client user and technical problems as quickly as possible.


Evenings, Weekends and Holidays

In off-hours and on Holidays, an immediate response to non-emergency technical support is not guaranteed. Support request e-mails shall receive an acknowledgement of receipt via auto-responder, and will receive a response from live support via e-mail or telephone at or before 8 AM on the next business day.

Emergency requests should be submitted through the emergency support paging extension:

(888-217-9600 x1)


Emergency Technical Support

Requests for emergency technical support should be left on x1 of our main office number if the call is not answered by a live support staff member outside of regular business hours. Emergency Support messages page technical support staff at home, and should be used only in critical emergency situations. Such requests will receive a response from support staff via e-mail or telephone within 15 minutes.

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