HomeCampaign ManagerFEC Form 3X ComplianceForm 3X - Line 12: Transfers from Affiliated/Other Party Committees

24.8. Form 3X - Line 12: Transfers from Affiliated/Other Party Committees

Line 12 - Transfers From Affiliated/Other Party Committees

    Record Types:             Committee (PAC)

    Transaction Types:     Contribution (Transfer)

Transfers from Affiliated/Other Party Committees

There are a few things that must be in place for a transaction to itemize on line 12:

1) The Contributor must be a Committee record.
2) The committee record must also be linked to the Filing Committee as an "Affiliated Committee" or "Joint Fundraising Rep" by a connection in the Connections tab of the record.
3) Additionally, the Transfer box must be checked on the contribution record.

Here is the data entry required to get a transaction onto this line:


For a Transfer from Other Party Committee transaction to itemize on line 12:

1) The Contributor must be a Committee record.
2) The "Committee Type" must be set to "Political Party Committee".
3) Additionally, the Transfer box must be checked on the contribution record.

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