HomeCampaign ManagerFEC Form 3 ComplianceForm 3 - Line 17: Operating Expenditures

22.13. Form 3 - Line 17: Operating Expenditures

Record Types: All Record Types (Committee's need a Reporting Code)

Disbursement Kinds: Operating Expenditures

Transactions: Expense- Operating Expenditure

There are two ways to create expenses, either through the Vendor's record or via the Financial tab.


1. When in the Vendor's Organization record, choose the Transactions tab

2. Click New Transaction, then Expense

3. Complete all applicable fields- Committee expenses must have a Reporting Code selected

4. If you are including Sub-vendors, click the Linking tab in the middle of the transaction details, then Sub-vendors

**NOTE: This is typically used when you are adding a credit card expense or other similar transactions**

5. Click Save at the bottom of the transaction window when you are done

Financial Tab:

1. Place your mouse over the Financial tab, then choose Expense

2. On the resulting screen will be both the Register on the left and fields to add the expense on the right

3. Complete all applicable fields, including any Sub-vendors, then click Save or Save/Next to move to a blank expense transaction screen. Committee Expenses must have a Reporting Code selected.


NOTE: Committee expenses will default to Line 21 unless a Reporting code like "001 Administrative/Salary/Overhead Expenses" is selected which directs it to Line 17.

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