HomeCampaign ManagerFEC Form 3 ComplianceForm 3 - Line 21: Other Disbursements

22.17. Form 3 - Line 21: Other Disbursements


Line 21 - Other Disbursements

Record Types:                All Record Types

Disbursement Kinds:       Other Disbursements

Transactions:                 Contributions to Candidates

                                     In-Kind Contributions to Candidates


Political Contributions

Political Contributions (e.g., contributions to other federal candidates and committees, donations to non-federal candidates and committees) can be entered as Expenses or In-Kind Expense Made. When the type of transaction is determined, go to the candidate/committee record's Transaction tab and select the appropriate Disbursement type (Expense or In-Kind Expense Made). Make sure the Candidate box is checked (and the information for the candidate's office is accurate) in the candidate's Individual record. If originating the transaction from the committee's record, make sure the Committee's record was created as a committee with a valid committee type and that the Candidate is connected to the committee with the Candidate connection.


Enter the data in the appropriate fields, use Reporting Code 011 - Political Contributions, be sure to choose the appropriate Support/Oppose button and find and select the Candidate in the Support/Oppose field (If this expense was not made to a candidate committee, you may find and select the committee again) and save. 




Charitable donations will also show up on line 21. Just enter the data in the appropriate fields, use the reporting code 012 - Donations when creating the Disbursement and save. This reporting code should only be used for charitable donations. 



NOTE: Committee expenses will default to Line 21 unless a Reporting code like "001 Administrative/Salary/Overhead Expenses" is selected which directs it to Line 17.



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