HomeCampaign ManagerComplianceAdding District Information to a Candidate Committee

17.3. Adding District Information to a Candidate Committee

Many reports require the candidate's district information to be displayed. This page will walk you through the process of entering this information so that it pulls to your reports.


Example: FEC Form 3

In order to follow this process, your filing committee and candidate records need to be set up.

1. Find the candidate's individual record. Edit the "Basic Information" section. The following needs to be selected:

   a. The "Candidate" box must be checked.

   b. Select the appropriate "Jurisdiction" and "Office" settings.

   c. Enter the "District Code" and select the correct district code. If the correct district code is not available, type it in and select "Add as new District".

   d. Enter the candidate's ID number into the "Candidate ID" field.

   e. Save your changes.

2. Find the filing committee's record. Select the "Connections" tab and add a the candidate as a "Candidate" connection. (A walkthrough for adding connections is available here.)

The candidate's district information will now pull to your reports.


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