HomeCampaign ManagerComplianceGetting Ready For Your First Report

17.2. Getting Ready For Your First Report

Before you can file your first electronic report from the Campaign Manager application you must first provide some basic information to the system regarding your committee, candidate, and bank information. This information is included in every report and will not need to be re-entered unless it changes.


Committee Information

The database must contain a committee record for your filing committee. This record should hold the legal committee name, address, and registration ID. Filing Committee Records are created by Aristotle Staff, please contact support with the information listed in the preceding sentence in order to have your record created.

After this record has been created you can update information by searching for your committee and editing the record. Be careful not to delete your committee record as you will not be able to re-create it without assistance from Aristotle Technicians.


Candidate Information

If your committee is a candidate committee, the database should contain a candidate record representing this. After creating a candidate record and entering the correct office information, you can link this record to your committee using the "Connections" tab. You can access this tab while viewing either your committee record OR candidate Record.


Bank Information


 Information related to your primary and supporting bank accounts should be entered from "Financial" --> "Accounts".

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