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15.4. Merge

The "Merge" tool can be used to combine duplicate records in the database into a single record. Note that this process is not reversible.

Using the "Merge" tool to merge duplicate records.

Setting Your Criteria.

Select whether you want to search for duplicate individuals or organizations.

The Matching & Filter Options section of this page will allow you to select the criteria you want to use to search for possible duplicates. Based on the selections you make here, records have matching information will be pulled to the results of the search.

Section 1 of the merge page consists of various record information such as last name, address, etc. Check the box next to a data point to add it to the criteria to search from.

Section 2 allows you to select a date range. The duplicate search will only search records that were added to the system within the specified date range.

Section 3 allows searching based of specific data; for example, if you know you have multiple records for the same "John Smith", you can enter that name so that only records with the same name are returned in the results.

Managing Your Results.

The results will appear on the right-hand side of the screen in section 4. Click on a line to view the records the system has selected as possible duplicates. To combine, take the following steps:

1. Selecting a name from the list of results will expand to show all potential duplicates found for that name. You can compare information between selected records by checking the box next to 2 or more records and clicking the "Compare" button.

2. Select one record as "Primary". This is the record that will be retained when the merge is complete.

3. Select the records you want to merge and click the blue "Merge Selected With..." button and select "Primary". A pop-up will ask you to confirm your decision by selecting "Continue". You may also merge into the most recent record by selecting "Most Recent" instead of "Primary" as the target of the merge. You may skip step 2 if you do this.



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