HomeCampaign ManagerFinancial - TransactionsAccrued Misc. Income

10.1. Accrued Misc. Income


Below are instructions on how to first add a new Accrued Misc. Income, then how to add a payment to the Accrued Misc. Income.

How to Add Accrued Misc. Income

There are three ways to manually add an Accrued Misc. Income:
1. From the Register
2. Through a contributor's record
3. From Batches/Deposits

1. Adding an Accrued Misc. Income from the Register

Hover your mouse cursor over the Financial tab, then click on Accrued Misc. Income:

This will open up a new Accrued Misc. Income. Fill in all applicable fields. SourceAmount, and Date are required in order for the misc. income to save.

Descriptions of Fields in a New Reportable Pledge:

Fields in a new Reportable Pledge
Source* - Name of entity making contribution     *Required Fields
Amount* - Monetary amount of contribution
Date* - MM/DD/YYYY format of contribution date
Reporting Code - Select from dropdown if applicable
Reporting Description - Data entered into this field will pull to applicable compliance reports
Transaction Category - Select existing category or add new one by clicking Create Transaction Category
Internal Memo - Internal tracking field
Election Period - Choose election period
Account - Select Account
Allocation - Select Allocation if applicable 
Batch - Optional tracking feature used to group together transactions
Force Itemize check box - Check to force the misc. income to pull to compliance report
Force Unitemize
check box - Check to force the misc. income not to pull to compliance report

Save Buttons

Save - This saves the new contribution and keeps the screen open
Save/Close - Saves the new contribution, closes out the window and returns your screen to the main Register
Save/Next - This saves the contribution, then opens up a subsequent new contribution. Several fields are what we refer to as sticky, so they'll auto-fill into the new contribution so you won't need to re-select them. 


2. Adding a Accrued Misc. Income from a Contributor Record

Use the Contacts search or Search Records bar to pull up an existing record or create a new record. From the record's profile page, follow the steps in the screenshot below:

1. Click on the Transactions tab.
2. Click New Transaction.
3. Select Accrued Misc. Income.

You'll see a new Accrued Misc. Income open up. Fill in SourceAmount, and Date, and any other applicable fields, then choose a save button.


3. Adding an Accrued Misc. Income Pledge from Batches/Deposits

See our Help File here on Batches/Deposits. Batches allow you to group together financial transactions. You can easily bulk edit the entire batch of transactions, or easily pull a list of all the transactions in that batch.

To add a new Accrued Misc. Income from a Batch, first pull up the Batches/Deposits screen by hovering your mouse cursor over the Financial tab, then by clicking on Batches/Deposits:

To add a new Accrued Misc. Income to an existing batch, follow the steps pictured in the screenshot below:

1. Click the Batch tab.
2. Choose the existing batch from the list on the left-hand side.
3. Click the New Transaction button.
4. Click Accrued Misc. Income.

This will open up a new Accrued Misc. Income. Fill in SourceAmount, and Date, and any other applicable fields, then choose a save button.


How to Make a Payment to Accrued Misc. Income

First pull up the Register by hovering your mouse cursor over the Financial tab, then click on Register.

Next, filter the display to show all Accrued Misc. Income by clicking on the Transaction Type filter in the top left-hand corner of the Register, then select Accrued Misc. Income:

Now find the Accrued Misc. Income to which you want to add the payment and click the Transaction button:

When the transaction details open on the right-hand side, click the Linking tab, then click Accrued Misc. Income History:

1. Choose the Activity Type (either Repayment or Forgiveness).
2. Enter the Amount and Date.
3. Click the green Add button.
4. Choose a Save button to add the repayment activity.

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