Home360Getting StartedQuick Search (Auto-Suggest)

2.5. Quick Search (Auto-Suggest)

In the upper left-hand corner of the Home Page you will see the Quick Search. Here you have the ability to search for a particular record in your dataset.

To do this, enter in the full name or partial name of the record. Records that match the criteria you input will automatically show up below the input field.  Continue to enter as much of the record's Full Name as possible.  Once a record of interest appears, select the record by clicking it once or moving your keyboard arrow keys until your record is highlighted and pushing ENTER.  Aristotle 360 will navigate you directly to that record's "Detail" page.

Please note that the Quick Search automatically searches across all four entity types at once; Individual, Organization, Committee, and Legislator reords.  The icon that appears to the left of the entry designates the type of record you are viewing.  Move your mouse arrow above an entry for a tooltip hint on the type of record you are looking at.


The Quick Search is located on the upper left-hand corner of almost every page you go to, not just the home page.

* If you wish to use the legacy Quick Search module instead of the Auto-suggest quick search, please contact Aristotle Support for a change in your dataset's configuration settings.

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