Home360Getting Started360 Hotkeys

2.9. 360 Hotkeys

By clicking on the Hot Keys Guide from the 360 menu bar under Help, list of available hot keys are presented in a legend.

In order to activate these hotkeys, press and hold down the Control Key, the Alternate Key and the corresponding letter key at the same time and in that order.


Cntl+Alt+H --> Go to the Homepage
Cntl+Alt+A --> Go to the My Open Activities View 
Cntl+Alt+I   --> New Individual 
Cntl+Alt+O --> New Organization 
Cntl+Alt+L  --> New Legislator 
Cntl+Alt+M --> New Committee 
Cntl+Alt+Q --> Open Quick Entry 
Cntl+Alt+P --> Help Manual 
Cntl+Alt+S --> Individual Basic Search 
Cntl+Alt+Y --> Organization Basic Search 
Cntl+Alt+E --> Legislator Basic Search 
Cntl+Alt+C --> Committee Basic Search 
Cntl+Alt+R --> Create New Receipt 
Cntl+Alt+D --> Create New Disbursement 
Cntl+Alt+X --> Logout and Close Session

Record-Specific Hotkeys *
Cntl+Alt+R --> Create New Receipt 
Cntl+Alt+D --> Create New Disbursement 
Cntl+Alt+N --> Create New Note

 * Must have a specific record open for hotkey to execute

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