Home360Getting StartedAristotle Technical Support

2.10. Aristotle Technical Support

By clicking on Aristotle Support Hompage from the 360 menu bar, you are redirected to the Aristotle corporate website (http://www.aristotle.com/content/view/76/103/).
Aristotle Technical Support is available 24/7 throughout the year.  The two best methods for contacting a technical support representative are:
1. Send an e-mail to support@aristotle.com with your dataset name and a detailed description of your issue.

2. Call 888 217-9600

3. Ask a question here: http://support.aristotle.com/kb/contact/

In order to receive prompt and courteous service, please use the two methods above.  Please have your customer identification number and dataset number handy when you contact Aristotle Technical Support.

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