Home360Entities / Master RecordsComponents Common to All Records Pages

10.1. Components Common to All Records Pages

1. Menu Bar: The Menu Bar appears at the top of all pages to facilitate quick transitions from one task to the next.

2. Options Bar: All records have an Options Bar just above the record form; however, the available options differ from one type of record to the next. The buttons on this bar allow you to, at the least, save or delete the record (if you have those permissions, as well as specific record operations.

3. Blank Record Form: The central feature on each page is a blank form that corresponds to the specific type of record you have chosen. The example above displays the blank form used to enter data about an Individual.

4. Panel Panes: The panel panes are located below the blank Record form. By clicking on this bar, you can open or close one or more additional panels that display detailed information related to the open Record. For example, when working with an Individual's record, clicking the Receipts Panel Pane will open a panel that displays detailed information about receipts entered into Aristotle 360 for that individual. Also, a panel pane that you open in one record type remains open when you switch to another record type.

5. Record Functions: This area lists functions that you can perform for this record type. Some functions are common among record types, while others are specific to the current record type. Click the function name to begin that task.

6. Quick Search & Quick Entry: You have access to these two important tools on all pages located on the left side navigation panel.

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