Home360Campaigns / Activity CampaignsHow to Create an Email Component for a Campaign

28.3. How to Create an Email Component for a Campaign

1. Beginning on the Campaign Page of your target Campaign, select the Campaign Components Panel Pane.
2. The Campaign Components Panel Pane displays. Click the Add Component button.
3. The Add Components Button List appears. Click the New Email button.
4. The Email Component Page displays. Notice your Campaign name appears as a link in the Campaign field. Clicking this link will open the Campaign page. Enter a name for this Email Component in the Name field.
5. If your email requested a response, you can enter that "respond by" range in the Start and End fields for tracking purposes.
6. Enter a description of the purpose of this Component in the Description field.
7. Click Save Changes on the Options Panel to save the email
8. The Next steps are to populate the Panel Panes that support the purpose of your Email.
9. Select the Individuals Panel Pane.
10. The Individuals Panel Pane displays. Click the New Individual button.
11. The Campaign Component: Individual Add page displays. If you know the name of the list to use for this email, enter it in the Search Criteria field.
12. Select the List radio button.
13. Click the Search button.
14. The Search area redisplays with a listing of lists that matched your search criteria, or all system lists if you did not enter anything in the Search Criteria field. Double-click the list item if you want to review the list members. When you are ready to proceed, select the checkbox next to the list item.
15. IMPORTANT: Because you can only choose to send to an individual's work or personal email per Email Component, make sure you create separate lists for each type. Also, make sure the correct email type is selected in the Email field before you attach the list of added individuals. Click the Attach button to associate the list to the Email Component.
16. You will see a brief progress window, and then the Campaign Component Panel Pane will redisplay. Click Individuals to redisplay the Individuals Panel Pane.
17. The list of individuals is displayed. You can repeat the process to add more lists and individuals. Once the list is over ten individuals, you will only see the count displayed.
18. The next step is to create the content of the email. Select the Content Panel Pane.
19. The Content Panel displays. Enter the email you want to appear as the email sender in the From: field. This is the email address that appears in the recipient's inbox, telling them whom the email is from.
20. Enter the subject text in the Subject: field.
21. Enter the email address that you want responses to this email to go to in the Cc: field.
22. Enter email addresses to receive hidden a copy of this email in the Bcc: field. Recipients do not see these email addresses on the distribution list.
23. If you have a template created that you want to use for this email, click the Select Template button. If you would like to save this email as a template, fill in the Name: and Description: fields and then click the Save Template button after you finish creating your email content.
24. By default, the Track eMail checkbox is selected. This option allows you to run the metrics report from the Reports Panel Pane on this Email Component.
25. The bottom of the Content Panel contains two content areas. The top area allows you to create the email in HTML format with formatting options. The bottom area is a plain text version. It is best to create the top area version first, then copy and paste that into the bottom area. Select and delete the placeholder text and write the body of your message.
26. You can add in merge codes, such as #FIRSTNAME#, #LASTNAME#, by selecting them from the bottom of the panel and pasting them into the body of the message.
27. Click the Save changes option on the Options Bar.
28. The Email Component Panel redisplays and the email is saved, but not sent. Next, you want to test your message by sent a test email to yourself. Click the Email Processing Panel Pane to expand it.
29. The Email Processing Panel Pane displays. Enter an email address to receive a "sample" of this email for reviewing purposes in the Send Test To: field. Your personal email or another email account that you have read access to will work
for this purpose.
30. Click the Send Test button. Wait a few minutes then check the inbox of the test email account. You should see five versions of the email, addressed to the first 5 people from your list, for each format you used. So, if you created both a formatted and plain text version of the email, you receive 10 test emails.

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