Home360EventsAdding Individuals or a List to an Event

29.4. Adding Individuals or a List to an Event

  1. Open an Event. If you are unsure of how to add a new Event or open an existing Event please reference the related articles on "How to add a New Event" or "How to Search for an Existing Event."
  2. Select the Attendees/Participants subfile.
  3. Next select Add Attendees/Paricipants.
  4. Select New Individual, Organization or Committee as needed. If you select Individual you will have the option to search for and select an indivudal or a list.
  5. Once you select an indivudal or a list you will be able to put in additonal information such as an amounts targeted, requested, pledged, or raised. You will also be able to say wether the indivudal has RSVPed or not.
  6. Select the individual or list you would like to add and select Attach.

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