Home360ReportingSetting Up Administrative Allocation Ratios

30.1. Setting Up Administrative Allocation Ratios

Establishing Administrative Allocation Ratios in 360


This article will explain how to establish the administrative allocation ratio on Schedule H1 for allocable administrive expenses reported on Schedule H4 of the Form 3X.  Committees that do not allocate expenses between federal and non-federal accounts are not required to file the Schedule H1. 


A filing committee must be established in order to set up the allocation ration.


  1. Go to Settings > Filing Committees.
  2. Select the appropriate Filing Committee and click on the the Set Allocable Activity Ratios button.
  3. Enter the beginning and ending coverage dates for the administrative ratio (typically the calendar year), the committee type, and the fixed percentage.
  4. Click Save.

Once the allocation ratio is established, 360 will autocalculate the federal and non-federal portion of allocated administrative expeditures.

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