Home360FEC Form 3X ComplianceFEC Form 3X Parameter Screen

42.1. FEC Form 3X Parameter Screen

The FEC Form 3X is used by monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual filers to disclose the financial transactions which took place in a given period. If you are unsure if you should be using the Form 3X or not, please contact your FEC analyst for more guidance.

View History button: Proceeds to the list of all previously generated reports (drafts and filed) without generating a new one. For more info on the History screen, click here.

Parameter Screen

Email: The email address entered here is just to receive a notification once the report has completed generating. 

Filing Committee: Select the filing committee you want to generate a report for.

Account: Select any bank accounts whose transactions you would like to disclose in the report.

Report Schedule: Select the appropriate report Schedule (such as April Quarterly, or 12 day preceding) from the drop down box. Please note, Termination Reports are selected from the "Current Period" drop down box (see explanation below). If you are not sure which Report Schedule you are reporting on, please contact your FEC analyst.

Report Start Date: Set this date to the first date of the reporting period you are reporting on. If you are not sure what your reporting dates are, please contact your FEC analyst. Transactions in your dataset with a transaction date on or after this date (and before the Report End Date) will pull to the report.

Report End Date: Set this date to the last date of the reporting period you are reporting on. If you are not sure what your reporting dates are, please contact your FEC analyst. Transactions in your dataset with a transaction date on or before this date (and after the Report Start Date) will pull to the report.

Itemization Threshold Start Date: Set this date on or before the Report Start Date. Any transaction with a transaction date after this date, which is linked to another transaction with a transaction start date between the Report Start and End Date, will pull to the report. People generally set this date to either the first of the current year, or the day after the previous election.

Election Date: Set this date to the most recent or applicable election. If you are not sure what Election Date you need to have on your report, please contact your FEC analyst.

Threshold Start Amount: Set this amount to the amount above which transactions pull to the report. For instance, if you want all transactions above $200.00 to itemize, set this value to $200.01. To be clear, the transactions below this amount are still calculated in the summary totals, but simply do not itemize.

Threshold End Amount: Set this amount to the amount below which transactions will pull to the report. For instance, if you want all transactions below $99999.99 to itemize (and above the Threshold Start Amount) you will set this value to $99999.99.

Load from Last Filing button: If you have previously filed a Form 3X via 360, you can use this button to load the cash on hand amounts below based on the numbers from the last filed report. Please note that if you use this button but your last filed report was an amendment for an older report, that may cause the wrong amounts to load in; we strongly recommend that you still refer to your previous report to ensure that the Cash on Hand amounts are pulling correctly; 

Cash on Hand at Beginning of Year:  Set this amount to the amount of cash on hand your committee has at the beginning of the year. This value can be taken from Line 8 (Cash on Hand at Close of Reporting Period) of the summary page of the previous year end report. This amount should remain the same for all of your filings for the current calendar year.

Cash on Hand at Beginning of Period: Set this amount to the amount of cash on hand your committee has at the beginning of the period. This value can be taken from Line 8 (Cash on Hand at Close of Reporting Period) of the summary page of the previous report.

Levin Cash at Beginning of Period: If you have a Levin Fund, set this amount to the amount of cash on hand your Levin fund had at the beginning of the period.

Levin Cash at Beginning of Year: If you have a Levin Fund, set this amount to the amount of cash on hand your Levin fund had at the beginning of the year.

Current Period: Set this value to the current election cycle period, for instance, Primary or General. If you are running a pre- or post- report, setting this field will specify whether it is a pre- or post- general or primary. This is also the field used to select "Termination" reports. If you are not sure what to set as the current period, please contact your FEC analyst.

Election State: Set this value to the State Code of the State in which the election the candidate of this committee is participating in.

Sort By/Second Sort: Select an option from the drop-down(s) which represents how you would like the report ordered. For the purposes of grouping memo entries with their parent transactions, it is recommended to use "Natural Order", though technically it is fine if the memos are not physically next to their parent transactions. 

Address Type: If you need to specify the committee's address type, you can select that here.

Itemize all JFC Memo Transactions: Check this option if you need all JFC memo entries to itemize.

Itemize all Disbursements: Check this option if you need all disbursements within the report's date range to itemize.

Amend: Check this box if you are amending a previous report you have filed with the FEC. If you check this box, you will need to fill in the Amended Report ID field with the FEC report number of the original report it is amending. The format of this field must be FEC-XXXXXX (e.g. FEC-123456). Additionally, in the Amendment Number field you will need to put the number which this amendment is in the sequence of all previous amendments. For instance, if this is the 2nd amendment to the original report filed with the FEC, you will put a 2 in this box. For more info on amendments, click here.

Auto Generate Line 11a: Check off this box if you would like the system to automatically calculate and enter the amounts for Line 11ai and 11aii cycle total before this period. If you would like to manually enter these numbers then you will need to check and then uncheck this box, and then enter those amounts in the fields that appear below the box.

Multi-Candidate Committee: Check this box if your committee is a qualified multi-candidate committee.

Change of Address: Check off this box if your committee has changed its address since the last report was filed.

Fill in Empty Occupation with 'Information Requested': Check this box if you would like the program to automatically fill in, on the FEC report, occupation fields for individuals whom you have no occupation data for with the text "Information Requested".

Fill in Empty Employer with 'Information Requested': Check this box if you would like the program to automatically fill in, on the FEC report, employer fields for individuals whom you have no employer data for with the text "Information Requested".

Print Text to Report: If you need to attach a short text memo to your report, type that text directly into the box (do not copy and paste text from Microsoft Word, or other word processing applications except for Microsoft Notepad). Lastly, make sure to check off the box. This will add an additional page to the report immediately following the summary pages.

Selected Schedules: Schedules A through L; select the schedules for which you would like to disclose financial information for. If you check off a box, and there are no transactions that are to be reported for that type of schedule, the schedule will simply not print on the report. For this reason, it is recommended that when running the report, unless you have a specific reason for not including a particular schedule, that you select all schedules.

Group Payroll Contributions/Payroll Deduction Frequency: Rather than showing all payroll deduction transactions, the check box will force the report to lump these together for each individual based on the timeline selected in the drop down.

Generate Report button: Generates a Form 3X report based on all of the options selected/inputs above, and brings you to the History Screen. Note that this just generates a draft of the report - submitting it to the FEC takes place on the History screen when you click on the Efile Report button.

Please Note:

Many of the check box options on the parameter screen deal with specific scenarios, so if there are any options that you are unsure if you should be using, please contact your FEC analyst. They can provide you with guidance on your required report parameters.

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