Home360FEC Form 3X ComplianceData Entry for Form 3X, Schedule H3

42.10. Data Entry for Form 3X, Schedule H3

Typical data entry to record transfers that show on the Schedule H3 involves creating two Committee records, one for the Federal Account and another for the Non-Federal Account. The records must be Committees in order for the transactions to show properly.

In order to show the money being transferred from one account to the other, please create the following two transactions:

1) In the record for the account that the money is being transferred into, create a Receipt of Type: Transfer from Non-Federal Subtype: Administrative, Transfer of Funds, Direct Candidate Support, or Payment for the amount of the transfer:

2) In the record for the account that the money is being transferred from, create a Disbursement of Type: Joint Activity Subtype: Administrative for the amount of the transfer and then link this transaction to the Receipt created in step 1:

The Form 3X will pull the name of the Bank Account from the account designated in the linked Disbursement. For instance, in the above Disbursement, the account is "H3 Federal" and will pull to Schedule H3 as follows:


If you are only required to report on the Federal side, you can create a Disbursement of $0 instead of the full transfer amount. The Receipt will need to be the full amount and will still need to be linked to the Disbursement.


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