Home360FEC Form 24 ComplianceHow to File Form 24; 24/48 Hour Notice Report

46.1. How to File Form 24; 24/48 Hour Notice Report

Note: Disbursements for independent expenditures related to opposing candidates in the same election are aggregated for 24- and 48-hour reporting. If expenditures related to different candidates in the same election (for instance, supporting one and opposing the other) are entered correctly expenditures for both candidates will aggregate properly on reports filed with the following steps. Please click here for instructions on correct data entry for Entering Independent Expenditure Transactions.

  1. When it is time to run a 24/48 Hour Notice go to Reporting > Compliance Reports
  2. For Filing Authority choose "FEC."
  3. Once the Available Forms load, select "Form 24."
  4. In the Filing Committee drop-down select the committee that is filing this notice. Also, select the check boxes next to the Accounts associated with the independent expenditure payments.                                                                 
  5. Next, select the Form Information tab. 
  6. For Reporting Period choose the date range of this report. Typically, for 48-hour notice this will be the one day or a two day span.
  7. For Itemization Threshold Start Date enter the corresponding date.
  8. For Itemization Threshold enter "0.00" as the minimum.
  9. Select the radio button indicating whether this is a 24 or 48 Hour Notice.
  10. Next, select the Form 24 Schedule tabMake sure that the Cover Page –Schedule 24 box IS checked, AS WELL AS the Schedule E box. 
  11. Click the Run button at the bottom right hand of the screen.
  12. After the program runs (this may take a few moments) a new window will appear. 
  13. The pop-up window will indicate if if there were any errors. If you have errors open the validation file to see what went wrong. For example, in the above screenshot, it begins "File was generated successfully but did not pass FEC validation." By clicking to View my validation file, I'll be able to see what aspect failed to pass FEC validation.
  14. If there are no errors you can open the PDF version of the report by simply clicking on the link in the pop-up window.
  15.  The PDF should list all of the Independent Expenditures during this time. Each transaction should have a candidate in the Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure field. The Office Sought information pulls directly from the candidate's legislator record.
  16. If everything is correct, file the report by clicking the File Now button.

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