Home360FEC Form 99 ComplianceFEC Form 99

47.1. FEC Form 99

Go to Reporting > Compliance Reports and choose FEC Form 99 to file the free-form text message to the FEC, the Form 99.

Please uncheck everything on the Form3 Schedules Tab when filing a Form 99. When you click on the Form 99
button, a text box will appear for you to type in your message. When you are finished with your message, press OK. The program will then prompt you for a file name, with the default being "FEC_FORM_99". DO NOT CHANGE THIS FILE NAME. Simply press Save. If it asks you to overwrite the existing file, say yes. The file FEC_FORM_99 simply serves as a FEC Form 3placeholder that will then be incorporated into your actual report. After this, the filing is the same as any other FEC filing.

Committees – Select the filing committee you would like to run the FEC Form 3 report for. Additionally, you will need to select the bank accounts whose transactions you would like to disclose in the report.

Form Information

Misc. Memo – Check this box if you would like to submit this as a normal text memo. Text Box - Type the text directly into the box (do not copy and paste text from Microsoft Word, or other word processing applications except for Microsoft Notepad).

Form Actions

Previous – Click on 'Previous' to go to the previous tab of the report, for instance, going from Form Information to Accounts.

Next – Click on 'Next' to go to the next tab of the report, for instance, going from Accounts to Form Information. Run click on 'Run' to generate a report with the options and parameters selected in the different tabs of this particular compliance report.

FEC Form 99 is used to file free-entry text memos.

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