Home360Florida Compliance ReportingFiling Amendments for Florida State Reports

57.2. Filing Amendments for Florida State Reports

Filing Amendments for Florida State Reports

Florida amendments only include transactions that have been added, deleted or edited since the previous "Mark as Published" session. This is unlike FEC reports where amendments are complete reports that include all transactions, regardless of whether they have changed since the original filing. 

1. The current process for FL amendments where you need to use a UDF to mark if transactions on amendments were Added or Removed remains in place.

2. The process for generating the new amendment has changed. To create the report, go into the saved reports list and load the report parameters that you are amending. This process loads the transaction IDs from the original filing for mandatory reuse on the amendment.

NOTE: FL works differently than the FEC in terms of amending reports. Where on the FEC you're always amending the first version of the report you filed, for FL you're always amending the latest version of the report you filed. Thus if you have amended a report once, for the second amendment you'd need to load the parameters for the amendment, not the original filing.

When you generate the report, any transactions that have been added for this amendment (and marked as such in the UDF) will appear sequentially at the end of each schedule. Any DEL transactions will remain in the same place on the report, marked properly so they get removed from FL's system. Once satisfied with the amendment, you can upload the report and mark the amendment as filed.

In order to only pull amended transactions to the FL amendment report, the system needs to take a snapshot of the transactions as they were originally filed. This is done by clicking the "Mark as Published" button when you are ready to file your original report. Then, when you run an amendment report, it only pulls transactions that differ from that "Mark as Published" snapshot.

The "Mark as Published" option appears after generating the Florida State Report. Be sure to click this option in the database/dataset immediately after filing your Florida State Report. This will accurately track any modification made to trabsactions, should an amendment need to be made at a later time.

For Florida, amendments and original files are uploaded to the state server in generally the same manner.

NOTE: This only applies to reports filed to the state and not to reports filed with individual counties.

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