Home360Bank Accounts / AccountingUsing the Disbursement Budgeting Feature

80.16. Using the Disbursement Budgeting Feature

Many times you have candidates or PAC disbursements for which you want to keep a budget. In other words, you want to keep track of the amount of money allocated to a PAC or Candidate, until it reaches a specified limit.

The Disbursement Budgeting feature allows you to keep a budget for the candidates (legislators) and PACs in your Aristotle 360 dataset. You see all contributions made to a legislator as well as the committees which he or she is associated as a Legislator or
Candidate Staff type.

Accessing the Disbursement Budgeting feature:
The Disbursement Budgeting feature is accessed by going to Settings > Disbursement Budgeting.

The Disbursement Budgeting Page:
The top portion of the Disbursement Budgeting page is where you can create, edit, or delete budget items. You see already created budgets, with name (of the legislator/candidate or PAC), amount budgeted to that committee or legislator, the starting and ending date of the budget, any notes on the budget, the balance of the budget to date, the period in which the budget exists, the category of budget, and whether the budget is active or inactive. You can edit the budget via the Edit link, or delete a budget item by clicking the
Delete icon.

You can page through multiples of 10 budget items (shown per page) using the Navigation tool located at the bottom of the budget list.

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