Home360Bank Accounts / AccountingCreating a New Disbursement Budget

80.17. Creating a New Disbursement Budget

You can create a new disbursement budget at any time. You will specify the budget period, which indicates the timeframe to track financials for the chosen candidate or PAC.

1. Go to Settings > Disbursement Budgeting, click the Create New Entry button.

2. The Create New Budget Item window appears. Begin typing in the Legislator or PAC field and 360 begins searching for a match.
Note: When looking for a Legislator, enter either the first or last name, but not both. When looking for a PAC, start with the beginning of the committee name.  Once the item you are searching for appears, click to select it.

3. Enter the budgeted amount in the Amount field.

4. Enter the date to begin tracking disbursements in the Start Date field.

5. Enter the date to end tracking disbursements in the End Date field.

6. Click the drop-down arrow to choose a category for the Category field. The category options are a way for you to organize your budgets, and are specific to this Disbursement Budgeting feature.

7. Click the drop-down arrow on the Period field to select the appropriate associated election or filing period.

8. The default for the Status field is Active. When want to make this budget item inactive and no longer tracked, edit the item and change the status to Inactive.

9. Use the Notes field to enter any description about this budget item. The first few characters of the Notes field display on the budget item list.

10. Click Save.

11. The Disbursement Budgeting page redisplays with your new budget item listed.

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