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80.18. Viewing Budgeting Disbursements

Periodically you will want to review the disbursements contributing to your budget
balance. The All Budgeted Disbursements area, located at the bottom on the
Disbursement Budgeting page, is the display area for your associated disbursements.
Disbursements displayed here are those that are transactions to either the legislator or
his or her candidate committee (this is specified in the Committee record by assigning
the candidate as a Candidate Staff type on the Staff Panel) or the PAC.

Steps to View Disbursement Budgeting Disbursements

1. Go to Settings > Disbursement Budgeting. Note: you can press and hold the Ctrl key to select several budget items. You may need to use the Navigation tool to navigate through pages if you have many budget items (the lower right hand corner contains a page count). Remember to press and hold the Ctrl key to select items over several pages; otherwise, if you then just click to select an item, you lose your previous selections.

2. Click the Filter button located in the All Disbursement Budgeted Disbursements area.

3. Disbursements associated with your selected budget items display.  Note: To return to viewing all budgeted disbursements, click the Display All button.

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