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83.1. About Groups

Groups Categories and Groups are intended to keep track of regularly used lists/groups of individuals. It is not designed to carry a large volume of information because of its utility in highlighting key data. A Group can prevent you from having to do a routine search for the same individuals over and over; for example by including people with similar payroll deductions, large donors, or local/regional leaders. Groups are easily accessible on the home page and provide quick access to select records. They are also exportable to Excel type formats and PDF (displaying the first name, last name, home phone, gender, marital status, party, ethnicity and occupation).

Note: Group Category and Group counts are turned off by default.  If you would like the counts turned on, please contact Technical Support to have that function enabled.  You can go to Help - Ask a Question, email support@aristotle.com or call 899-212-9600.

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