Home360Super VoterSuper Voter

86.1. Super Voter

Super Voter is an Aristotle 360 exclusive feature that allows you to cross-reference Aristotle's voter history data, the most extensive and accurate enhanced nation-wide voter file in the nation. Often, information missing from your record is in the enhanced nation-wide voter file database. When you look-up and find an individual using Super Voter, you have the option to enhance your record with data pulled from the voter history file.

When you click the Super Voter button on the Options bar, you are presented with a screen displaying core information about the voter, including a ratio of times voted to number of elections.

  1. Beginning in the Individual record, click the Enhance with Super Voter Data function in the Record Functions area located in the right navigation panel.
  2. The Super Voter window displays any matches based on name and address information. To update your Aristotle 360 record, simply click the Select button next to the person's name in the Super Voter window.
  3. The Individual Record redisplays, and updated information, including the voting record, is added to the main record fields and the Contact Information and Additional Details panel fields. Voting record information will now appear on the District & Voting Information panel, and all other fields that were updated or verified will appear highlighted on your screen.
  4. Review all changes made, make any final edits to correct inaccurate changes, and then click Save.

NOTE: Don't be surprised if you see several people listed when you click the Super Voter button. The voter data lookup system uses the address, city, state, and zip code fields to determine a match. It is quite possible that other people at this same address are registered voters with voter history data on file. Because the search relies on the Address fields, it is important to make sure you have correct data entered for those fields. This feature is limited by the voter information maintained by each State. For example, some states record party affiliation, others do not. Therefore, if an individual resides in a state that does not record party affiliation, this field will not be updated.

For more information regarding Super Voter, please contact Aristotle Technical Support at 888-217-9600 orĀ support@aristotle.com

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