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87.1. Fat Cats

Another unique feature of Aristotle 360 is your ability to review the Federal Election Commission's (FEC) and State Donor Information to view the donor history for a given individual.

Fat Cats can be used for vetting and compliance purposes. It can be used to highlight relationships between members or donors and other committees. Donors are matched by their name and address, and all past history is displayed.

-Beginning in an individual record, click the Fat Cats Compliance Check link in the Record Functions area. If the individual has a history of donating at the federal level, you see a display of all of these contributions, as well as total contributions, maximum, minimum, average, contribution and occupation/employer information.
-To import Occupation/Employer information in FatCats into an individual's record, simply click "Import" in the Import Occupation/Employer info column. This is especially important for campaigns that who do not know one or both pieces of information, and for whom we have obtained an advisory opinion from the FEC that this constitutes 'Best Efforts' to obtain that information. 
* Note: By downloading this data you agree to follow all State and Federal Laws concerning its use.

FEC Compliance Note: In addition to comprehensive state contribution disclosure filings, Aristotle products make a very limited subset of FEC information available for compliance purposes only, such as insuring against accepting excessive or illegal contributions. The data may also be used to refuse or reject contributions from donors who give to those with whom you may not wish to be associated. This information is not made available here in an interactive format or one where the information may be manipulated, and our software does not allow for the downloading or importing of any FEC contributor information into the client's database. Full searchable and downloadable databases of FEC data are available from www.fec.gov. By law, information copied from FEC reports "may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes...." (The names and addresses of political committees, however, may be used for solicitation purposes.)

For more information regarding Fat Cats, please contact Aristotle Technical Support at 800-243-4401 extension 1 or support@aristotle.com.

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