Home360Importing DataImporting Records with Import Manager

88.2. Importing Records with Import Manager

The Import Manager, under the File tab, allows you to import a group of records into your database in a single operation. While it is a valuable tool and a great timesaver, if done incorrectly, problems can result.

Before importing, you'll need to make sure the file is in .CSV format.  Excel format files will work but you will not be allowed to have column headers in your file.  To begin the import wizard, click File --> Import Manager.

The Import Manager page now gives you the opportunity to use previous saved settings or create new settings.  If you plan to import files using the same format and structure then it is to your advantage to save your settings so that you will not be required to go through the entire wizard with each import.

Begin your new import by clicking Start New Import.  This will launch the wizard.  When you finish the wizard you will be given the opportunity to save your settings as well as designate the email address you wish to have the results of your import to be mailed to.

Step 1: Select Your Data File - browse to your data file and choose either to import Individuals or Organizations and give the file a title.  Note: make sure your source file does not contain a mix of Individuals or Organizations, keep them in different source files.

Step 2: Confirm Your File - this is a quick preview of what your source file looks like.

Step 3: Map Your Data Points - this allows you to set where the source data point will go into 360.  Select the Field Data Type of the source field.  Depending on the data type, you are given a set of possible Detination Fields to choose from.  Note: you must map both the First Name and Last Name or the Source ID or Voter ID in order to continue with the import.

Step 4: Assign Default Values (Groups) - this will allow you to import records into a specific group.  This 360 Import Manager only allows for the import of 1 group and if you are to use this function during the import, it will add every record in the import file to the specified category/group selected.

Step 5: Record Matching - this is a key step in the import process so choose carefully.  This step allows you to create new records where one doesn't exist or even update an existing record.  You can also set your matching criteria for how you want to match the source field to the destination field.  Source ID and or Voter ID is the best option because these fields are typically unique to the record.  The other options could vary depending on your data entry.  For example, William Smith may exist in the dataset but in the import source file, the name may be Bill Smith.  If you match on First Name and Last Name, the import will treat both as different records thus causing a duplicate record to be inserted.  If you are confident in your data entry, either matching option will work.

Step 6: Final Step - this step is where you should save your import settings and assign an e-mail address for the confirmation to be sent to.

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