Home360Financial TransactionsLinking Two or More Transactions Together

24.5. Linking Two or More Transactions Together

Linking Transactions

Anytime you need for transactions to be able to reference each other, such as a refund and the original transaction that it is meant to refund, then that can be achieved by linking them. To do so, just follow these steps:

  1. Open up one of the transaction entries that needs to be part of the linking. If you have two transactions that need to be linked, then you can open up either one.
  2. Scroll down to the Add Transaction Links section and expand it.
  3. Select the type of transaction you want to link this entry to (receipt or disbursement), and then use the fields below it to search for that specific entry. One you have the search parameters set as desired, click the Search button.
  4. When the search results load, click on the Link button on the left next to the entry you want to link.
  5. At this point, the transaction window should refresh and show the linked transaction. If you have more transactions you want to link to this one, repeat steps 2 through 4.
  6. Once you have all the transactions linked, go ahead and save the entire entry (at the top of the window), and you're all set!


When Is Linking Necessary?

Whenever you have a transaction that is in some way associated with another, that doesn't necessarily mean that they need to be linked together. The necessity of linking mostly depends on whether or not a specific compliance report requires it; data entry steps for some reports require that associated entries be linked, but data entry steps for others may not.

If you are unsure if linking is required for your needs, please see our help files associated with your compliance report, or reach out to Support.

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