HomeCampaign ManagerComplianceFEC Post-General Report, Tips and Tricks!

17.5. FEC Post-General Report, Tips and Tricks!

FEC Post-General Report Generation

The FEC Post-General (30 Day Following) report can be a tricky one, especially for anyone who has never generated one before. Campaign Manager requires very specific settings in the report parameters in order to get Column C to show up on the summary pages:


Column C Calculations

Most FEC report filers like to double check their column B totals on each report that they file. This is something we always highly recommend! However, the way that column B totals are calculated on the Post-General report is distinctly different versus any other FEC Form 3 report.

On every other Form 3 report filed throughout the year (Q1, Q2, Q3, etc.), the way to double check your column B totals is to first pull up the report that was filed prior to the one you're currently working on. Then you will do the following calculation for any summary line:

(Previous report column B total) + (Current report column A total) = (Current report column B total)

As mentioned above, the Post-General does NOT work this way, thanks to the presence of column C. Instead, for the Post-General, the equation would be this:

(Pre-General report column B total) + (Post-General report column A total) - (Post-General report column C total) = (Post-General column B total)

For the Post-General report, you ALWAYS have to subtract column C in order for your Post-General column B totals to make sense.

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