HomeCampaign ManagerGeorgia State ReportGeorgia State Report - How to generate and file an amendment

45.6. Georgia State Report - How to generate and file an amendment

To generate an amendment for your Georgia State Report, you will need to get a confirmation code that is given to the first report that was filed.


1. Open up the Georgia Ethics filing site here: https://media.ethics.ga.gov/search/Campaign/Campaign_ByName.aspx

2. Search for your campaign or candidate and then click on the "search for candidate button".

3. Under the action column, click the view button next to your committee.

4. In the "Campaign Disclosure Report" tab, click the drop down to expand it, and then find your original report. You will want to click on "View Report" to open it up.

5. When the report loads, scroll all the way down and look to the bottom of the last page. There is a confirmation ID that you will need to get. Write or copy this confirmation ID down.

6. It should say Confirmation #(ID Number). ID number is the number and letter in parenthesis.

7. Go back to Campaign Manager, hover over the compliance tab, and then select government reports.

8. Open a new copy of the Georgia State Form that you are amending, and in the amendment box, put in the confirmation ID.

9. Generate your amendment, and then you should be able to file it through the Georgia site.

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