HomeCampaign ManagerMinnesota State ReportMN - Getting individual receipts to pull as Lobbyist receipts to the Minnesota report.

65.12. MN - Getting individual receipts to pull as Lobbyist receipts to the Minnesota report.

Getting individual receipts to pull as lobbyist receipts on the Minnesota report requires a few steps of data entry.

The first thing is to verify if you have a custom field for "Lobbyist ID" in your database. You can hover over the settings tab, and then click on custom fields to see the ones you have in your database. Click individual, and then click on custom fields. One of the fields should be called Lobbyist ID. If this custom field is not present, you can contact Aristotle Support to see about adding it.


1. Open up the individual record that is the lobbyist.

2. Click on the custom fields heading to open up the custom fields.

3. Go to the lobbyist ID field, click on it, and then type in the lobbyist ID.


4. Click save custom fields to save the changes.

5. The receipts that are associated with this individual will now pull as lobbyist receipts on the Minnesota report.


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