HomeCampaign ManagerFEC Form 3X ComplianceHow to get both an original Expense and its redesignation memos to pull to line 23 on the 3X

24.21. How to get both an original Expense and its redesignation memos to pull to line 23 on the 3X


Contributions reporting to Line 23 can utilize the resignation tab available on contribution records.

Expenses, when re-designated during a later reporting period will require 2 Memo Expenses to be manually created and linked to the original expense with reporting codes by following the steps below:

1. Create a the 1st Memo Expense on the committee record

2. Select Reporting Code: "RDFR - Redesignation From Memo" is for the positive Memo Expense.

3. Select the Election Period that should be credited for the change (what was originally reported)

4. click the Linking tab, select Advanced

5. On the Advanced tab, search for the original committee Recent Records to Link to Disbursement

Save and Close the memo



Next, Create the 2nd Memo following the same steps as above Except for the following changes:

step 2) select "RDTO - Redesignation to Memo" for the negative Memo Expense, and in

step 3) select the New Election Period this is being reported in. Complete all remaining steps the same as above


All 3 Expenses- the original and the memo's should Itemize, so if they do not meet the $200.01 threshold, check the box Force Itemize to force them onto schedule B of your 3X report.


If the re-designation took place within the same reporting period please contact your FEC analyst who can advise on IF or HOW it should be reported as re-designated and if an amendment of a previous report is necessary.





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