HomeCampaign ManagerFrequently Asked Questions!How do I track Bundlers/Fundraisers?

1.22. How do I track Bundlers/Fundraisers?

Campaign Manager can track the progress of your campaign's fundraisers (aka bundlers) through the Soft-Allocation Linking of a transaction.

To use this feature in CM, follow these steps:

1. Create an individual record in your database for each fundraiser. It's recommended to create a fundraiser tag and assign it to fundraiser records to easily include/omit them in lists when needed.

2. When a contribution comes in that a fundraiser facilitates, while entering the contribution into CM, click the Linking tab and select Soft Allocation  to search for and add the fundraiser plus the amount/date they should be credited for.   

3. Once a fundraiser is added to the soft-allocation tab of a contribution, it appears on the fundraiser's record- on the Transactions tab when Show Soft Allocations is selected.

4. Add the Top Bundlers Widget to your Homepage to track fundraiser stats

5. There are also two Standard Reports on the Reports menu for tracking the sift-allocations of fundraisers.

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