Home360FEC Form 3X ComplianceHow to Generate and File an Amendment

42.5. How to Generate and File an Amendment

Generating an Amendment

To generate an amendment for a previously filed report, the majority of the report's parameters should remain the same, unless the issue causing the need for an amendment was an error with the parameters themselves. Assuming that that is not the case, then the only difference with an amendment's parameters will be the following options/fields:

  1. The Amend box needs to be checked. This will indicate to the FEC system that the report being filed is an amendment for a previously filed report.
  2. Amended Report ID: This needs to be the report ID for the original filing. If a report has been amendment multiple times, be sure to use the ID of the original filing, and not of the previous amendment. If you are unsure of what a report's ID was, you can refer to the confirmation email that was received when the original was filed. If you no longer have access to that email, you can find that ID on the FEC website by going to the search page found here, searching for your committee, and navigating to the committee's filings page. Note: when you are ready to submit your amendment and you click on the Efile Report link, this ID will need to be entered here as well.
  3. Amendment Number: This number is used to indicate the sequential order of a report's amendments. So if you are amending a report for the first time, you can simply enter a "1" for this field, and if you find that it needs to be amended again later on, you would just use a "2" or any higher number.


Additional Parameters to be Aware of

One other parameter that may be useful for an amendment is the Print Text to Report option towards the bottom of the page. Checking off this box will cause any text typed into the box next to it to be added to the report as an additional page following the report's summary pages. This option is often used to explain why an amendment is being filed, but can be used to add any text to your report. If you are unsure of whether or not you need to use this option, please contact your FEC analyst.

Note: it is best to type your additional text directly into this box rather than cutting and pasting, as doing so can result in strange characters or formatting appearing in the text of the report after it has been generated.

How it appears on the parameters:

How it appears on the report (PDF):

Once you have all of your parameters correct and the fields above are checked off/filled in, you can then proceed to generate the report.


Filing an Amendment

Filing the amendment will be the same process as filing a new report, with the addition of entering the amended report's ID with the rest of your filing credentials. You would just use the same ID that was entered on the parameter screen in item 2 above.



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