Home360FEC Form 3X ComplianceFEC Form 3X History Screen

42.2. FEC Form 3X History Screen

While you are on the Form 3X's parameter screen, two buttons will bring you to the report's history screen when clicked:

  1. View History: This will bring you to the history screen without generating a new draft.
  2. Generate Report: This will begin generating a new draft of the Form 3X using the parameters on the screen. You will automatically be redirected to the history page upon clicking. Note that when you generate a report, the history page does not update in real time, so if you stay on the screen, your report may still show the Status as "Inprogress" even if your report has finished generating. You can use the Reload button above the Name column to refresh the history page.

History page


Name: The report's name will be the Report Schedule by default, but you can click on it to change it if desired. Also, you'll see an Edit Filed Date option — see Filed section below for more details.

Date: The date and time a report was generated. Not to be confused with the date a report was filed.

Status: A report's current generation status. You can click the Reload button above to refresh the entire screen, including the Status.

Download: All file types associated with a generated report. If you do not see one of the formats below, then it may have been disabled on the parameter screen.

  1. PDF: The printable version of the report — this will probably be the version most commonly used to review the report before filing. Note that there is an option on the parameter screen to generate this format, and PDFs typically take the most amount of time out of all of the report's files, so you can choose to generate a report without a PDF version.
  2. Validation: This file contains the validation info for the report. If a report passes validation, or has errors or warnings, the text of the download link will reflect that.
  3. FEC: the electronic version of the report — this is the version that is sent to the FEC when you file the report.
  4. Excel: A spreadsheet version of the report that can also be used for review. Like the PDF, there is also an option for this format on the parameter screen.


  1. Load Params: Clicking here will bring you back to the parameters screen, with all of the options that were used for the report that you clicked on. This will allow you to generate new drafts of previous reports without having to re-enter all of your parameters.


  1. Efile Report: Once you are ready to file, click here. On the window that opens, you'll need to enter all of your filing credentials. Once your report is filed, the Efile Report link will be replaced with the date the report was filed. However, please be aware that there are times when a report will not get marked as filed with the date — this can often happen due to high traffic on the FEC system near filing deadlines. In these situations, you can always manually mark a report as filed on a specific date by click on the name of the report and using the Edit Filed Date option.

Del: Clicking the 'X' in this column will delete that report. Note that if the report was one that was filed to the FEC, deleting it from this page will only delete it on the Aristotle side - there is no way to delete a filed report, so if a report needs any changes, filing an amendment would be the only way to do so.

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