HomeCampaign ManagerFrequently Asked Questions!How do I use the Import Queue?

1.21. How do I use the Import Queue?

The Import Queue is located on the Fundraising menu and is where contributions that are processed thru the online donation pages or web pages land. WinRed and Anedot API integrations also deliver contribution data to the Import Queue.

Please use recommended browser Google Chrome and limit the number of open Campaign Manager tabs to just 1 tab. 

Just 1 user should work in the Import Queue at a given time.

Refer to the below screenshot corresponding to these functions:

  1. Filters: use to limit the contributions displaying for import, maybe you just want to work with one day at a time, notice you can verify your expected total as well

  2. Match Found: first name, last name. and zip code are used to match contributions to existing records. If one of these fields does not match exactly then a new donor record will be created for the contribution. 

  3. Search Icon: When there is not a match found on a contribution, you may want to perform a search to see if a typo, nickname, or change of address is preventing the match.

  4. Selection Check Box: Use the header check box to select the entire page if they all are ready for import. Use the individual check boxes to import one or a few at a time.

  5. Optional Fields: Fill in the Intermediary Date if it differs from the contribution date, Select a Batch and/or Deposit to easily group the contributions together for reconciling. Check the Thanked box if the contributions will not need to appear in Thank You Manager to receive a thank you letter

  6. Import Queue: When you have contributions selected and optional fields populated as needed, click this button to perform the import (cannot be undone)

  7. Delete: If for any reason you do not want to continue with the import of selected contributions, click Delete to remove them (cannot be undone)

  8. Download: Export the entire import history of the Import Queue here, also see details like what date something was imported or deleted and which user performed it.

  9. Import Manager Settings: Used to update the election period, category, or account of a WinRed integration (Anedot uses the Default election period, category, or account of your database)

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