HomeCampaign ManagerForm 3X Compliance FAQsHow to Enter an Independent Expenditure that is paid after dissemination

25.11. How to Enter an Independent Expenditure that is paid after dissemination

In order to enter an IE that is paid after dissemination, you will need to enter the following:

  1. A memo expense with the transaction date set as the dissemination date.  The reporting code on this expense needs to be IE - Independent Expenditure.
  2. Link that transaction to an unpaid bill with the same date by going to Linking > Advanced and then using Link To fields to search for the unpaid bill.
  3. When the payment is made, enter an expense with the transaction date set as the payment date. The reporting code must be IE - Independent Expenditure. When IE is selected, a new date field will appear below the reporting code. This date field should have the same date as the transaction.  Link this transaction to the original memo as well by following the previous step.
    • If an IE is not being paid off in full, then this step will need to be repeated whenever a new payment is made.

The way these will pull to the reports is as follows: 

On the first report, which reports the original IE, a memo item will appear on schedule E with a dissemination date and no disbursement date.  The unpaid bill will also pull to schedule D.
On the subsequent reports that include payments, the IE payment will pull to schedule E with its disbursement date and the prior dissemination date.  It will also pay down the debt on schedule D.


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