Home360FEC Compliance FAQsHow To Enter a Redesignation

35.4. How To Enter a Redesignation

To redesignate a check you'll need to create 2 additional transactions:

Redesignation From Memo

Your first transaction will be a transaction that moves monies from the original period in which it was reported. You'll need to create transaction in the amount that is being redesignated, entered as a negative amount, with the original election period of the original transaction. You'll also need to use the same Type that was used in the original transaction and the Subtype "Redesignation From Memo". For instance, if you wrote a $2000 check to a congressman, you would have likely used the Type Contribution to Committee and Subtype "Federal". Your Redesignation from Memo would then use the Type Contribution to Committee and Subtype Redesignation from Memo.

Redesignation To Memo

Your second transaction will be a transaction that receives the redesignated monies into the new period. You'll need to create a new transaction in the amount that is being redesignated using the new election period that the transaction is being redesignated into. Once again, you will use the matching Type of the original transaction and this time you will use the Subtype "Redesignation to Memo".

Linking these transactions

You will now need to link all 3 transactions. You can do this by going into the original transaction and selecting the "Add Transaction Links" tab on the bottom of your transaction window, searching for the two redesignation transactions through the tool and selecting them one at a time to be linked to the original "parent" transaction.


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