HomeCampaign ManagerFrequently Asked Questions!Winred Integration

1.11. Winred Integration


State level campaign's WinRed integrations are set up by WinRed using an API token, please email support@aristotle.com to request this.

The default Bank Account, Category, and Election Period are assigned with API connections, check each setting to be sure you have the appropriate option flagged as default.



Federal level campaign's Winred integrations are set up by Aristotle, please email the following preferences to support@aristotle.com:


  1. What START DATE would you like to use for the sync process? (ex: you have all receipts thru 12/31/20 entered already so you'd want it to start 1/1/21)
  2. What BANK ACCOUNT should the WinRed contributions be assigned?
  3. What ELECTION PERIOD should the WinRed contribution be assigned?
  4. What CATEGORY should be assigned to WinRed contributions?
  5. What is the filing committee's FEC COMMITTEE ID (begins with C00...)?.
  6. What is WINRED'S RECORD ID NUMBER on their committee record in your database? (we can create one for you if needed)


Here’s how it works:

• It runs each morning, roughly around 5:30am EST - the integration is run daily, not ‘real-time’.

• The previous days WinRed receipts will populate into the Import Queue on the Fundraising Menu

• The Import queue will display possible record matches to avoid duplicates.

• Upon Approval/Import, CM will create both the non-directed earmark contribution + the conduit memo LINKED together.


Click Here for instructions on using the Import Queue.


*Please note that this info only pertains to Winred integrations for FEDERAL level campaigns/committees. Winred integrations for state/local level committees will be set up in the same manner as other integrations — using an API token to perform the setup on the Winred side. Also note that Winred's pre-written instructions may advise that you reach out to Aristotle for integration setup — again, this is in reference to Federal level committees. If you are setting up a Winred integration for a state/local committee, Aristotle can provide an API token, which you will then need to bring to Winred for setup.



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