HomeCampaign ManagerContacts SearchUpdated Contacts Page - Actions

4.1. Updated Contacts Page - Actions

Contacts Page — Actions

The Actions menu in the search results consists of different ways you can manipulate or view your search results:

1. Edit Columns: Select this option to add or remove columns. The list on the left are the available columns that you can add, while the list on the right are columns that are already selected. Note that there are some default columns that cannot be removed.

2. Export: This option will allow you to download the search results as a spreadsheet that can be opened in Excel.

3. Mass Update: This option will allow you to update the profiles of all records in the search results

1. Tag: Apply or remove a tag to the records. Note that the tag must already exist in order for it to appear.

2. Note: Apply a note to all records.

3. Event: Add event info to all records.

4. Mass Email: Clicking this option will bring your to the mass email tool, where you can use the results of this search as the recipients of a mass email.

5. Mail Merge: Similar to the previous option, but using the Direct Mail option instead.

6. Map It: This option will bring up a map of the US and mark the address of each record present in the search results. 

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